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Community Discussion Guide

Use this guide as a resource to inform and prepare community-based facilitators for screening Maryland Public Television’s BECOMING FREDERICK DOUGLASS and HARRIET TUBMAN: VISIONS OF FREEDOM documentary films. The Community Discussion Guide will help you navigate the complexities of discussing the histories and legacies of Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, which continue to shape our world. Find tips for organizing a successful event, including a five-step framework for facilitating productive dialogue around the films and engagement strategies to inspire and foster a participatory event for general audience members and college students alike.

Community Screenings

We encourage screening events! If you would like to host a screening event, please contact Kristen Penczek at Once approved, you will be provided with access to a DropBox folder with video files, images, a discussion guide, and more.

Film Posters

Download the film posters, and celebrate the Courage-Strength-Legacy of Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass.

Harriet Tubman: Visions of Freedom movie poster

Becoming Frederick Douglass movie poster

Combined movie poster with Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass

Resources to Learn More

Here are some additional resources you can use to further your research and dialogue, courtesy of the National Park Service and Library of Congress.