This module is for Glossary

abolitionist: a person who believed that slavery is wrong and should end

bias: prejudice; unfair judgment for or against

close reading: read carefully to analyze the meaning of a text including word choice, claims, reasoning, and supporting evidence

contextualization: consider the time, place, and circumstances in which a source was created

corroboration: support or agree with

empathy: - the ability to understand and identify with the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850: part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern and Northern states, allowing slave owners to reclaim escaped slaves

inquiry: asking questions; seeking information

insights: new or deep understanding

objective: not based on personal opinions or feelings

primary sources: pieces of evidence that provide information about the past such as original documents, objects, photographs, and oral histories that were created during the historical period

RISE Empathy Framework and Analysis Tool: an empathy-based primary source analysis tool that stands for Reflection, Inquiry, Self-Awareness, and Empathy

runaway ad: an advertisement that provided descriptive information about people who escaped from enslavement

secondary sources: sources created by someone without first-hand knowledge or experience

sourcing: identify the origin of the source and why it was created

subjective: based on personal opinions or viewpoints

Underground Railroad: a network of secret routes and safe houses used by people to escape slavery